Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Corporations are Evil and Bad People

Corporations are Evil and Bad People

Corporations are Bad People

They will fired employee for reelecting Obama

All corporate CEOs are evil and greedy

They must DIE

Corporation is a scum in the modern society today

They are LIARS and BULLSHITS!!!!

They will destroy Unions and small Businesses

They want to privatized everything

They want only your money
They lived in mansions while others are in the streets.
They want Monopoly and Oligopoly, NEVER Free Enterprise

They do not care to anything and anybody

They want only more profits and tax cuts

They will control politicians

They will rule the WHOLE WORLD

They are the same as Communists like North Korea

They pollute the environment

Only the wealthy will be benifited.

Corporations are Greedy and EVIL including the Republicans in tricke down economic system in America
They are Anti Poor, Anti Labor, Anti Union and Anti Middle Class.
Corporations must DIE with Republicans, Nazis, Conservatives and Tea Party Idiots
Corporations? are bad people. They must DIE!!!! Communists like North? Korea and Corporations like Koch Industries are the SAME!!!! They are all EVIL the free market capitalism doesn't work,because only the few wealthy benefit
The main reason the economy has slowed is because the large corporations let people go due to the economy and began operating with skeleton crews. When the economy started building again they had become used to operating light and really enjoyed the money they did not have to pay in salaries! Wal=mart at Harrisonburg crossing is literally at 50% of the employees they need. Everyone there, and anyplace like that, works for very little money. Meanwhile thanks to these greedy bastards our economy is at a standstill while they are enjoying record breaking profits! Trickle down my Aunt Fanny! It's not the republicans or the democrats that is to blame (although they haven't helped much), it's these, never enough, blood sucking, can't let the working man make an honest &decent wage, MFers!
The poster mentioned Walmart running at 50% manpower. Eeverytime I go in there after hours there are pehaps 2 cashiers ( there are 30 cashier lanes). And there are always lines waiting .As far as corporations laying off people, what are they supposed to do? Run themselves out of business? Layed off people might consider improving their marketable skills (go back to school and re-train).
Citizens must become the masters of corporations or they will become slaves to corporate power. Corporations' aggregation of wealth, political influence and legal protections has far surpassed those available to citizens. Corporations have usurped citizens' contract with their elected representatives so that government primarily serve corporate interests rather than those of citizens. People must reclaim their rights and their government by demanding from legislators a regulatory framework that will reassert the primacy of people and the welfare of society. Citizens need to reclaim the power to: 1) exclude corporations from the political process, 2) hold management and shareholders responsible for corporate actions and 3) terminate corporate existence and imprison management for repeated or grievous breaches of the law.
Corporations are by their nature amoral actors in society
Citizens must have power over corporations because, by their nature, they act like psychopathic people. Corporations are amoral; they act purely for their own gratification without consideration for society, without empathy for people and without remorse for the consequences of their actions on others (see, Joel Bakan, The Corporation). All individuals and bodies are supposed to be equal under the law, but the executives of Corporations, in their effort to maximise the dividend to their shareholders (and thus keep their own position secure), wield the power and influence of their companies to effect the legal and socio-political environment of a country to meet their needs rather than develop the fundamentals of the business itself. Thus Unionisation is either legislated out of existence, or emasculated, sometimes in breach of acknowledged principals of Human Rights. Where a corporation finds the situation in a country uncomfortable it is quite happy to ‘up sticks’ from that country. According to the BBC’s Analysis programme, even China can allegedly be cowed by the power of Corporations. It seems that the Chinese hierarchy realises that the country has a pollution problem but does not want to apply legislation restricting corporate pollution for fear of these companies moving to Vietnam, and the greater freedom to pollute there.
Capitalist society - that is, a society based on free trade rather than coercion - has existed before corporations. Corporations were merely an addition to free-trade-based society, that gave investors the comfort of capping their personal losses in case of bankruptcy, thereby encouraging investment.
This capping of risk may now be unnecessary, and indeed harmful, as the risk-spreading measures of Credit Default Swaps and securitized mortgages have shown by evaporating trillions of dollars in value in the last crisis.
At any rate, abolishing corporations has nothing to do with abolishing free trade. Jobs can be granted by unlimited-liability companies, partnerships and individuals. Calling "Socialism" won't win this debate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a counter to the argument to the left.
North Korea is an absolute totalitarian dictatorship. It is a failure of communism in its essence and cannot be held accountable for the whole system! You are judging the many based on the few! Socialism is an often misused term. It is normally a functioning element of proper democracy. Denmark is socialist. France is socialist. Even my own US has socialist elements!
You say human rights are infringed in a socialist system? Do France, Denmark, Canada, Luxembourg, or Sweden have an even remotely unfair human rights system? No!
Corporations are greedy and currupt. They provide jobs, but so does the military, the oil companies, the tobacco companies, Walmart, etc.! I'm sure you are aware that the tobacco companies have fooled people many times before, regardless of human rights!!! Or is lung cancer worth it just so people can have a minimum wage job? For hundreds of years, people had subsisted of of local businesses that provided everything they needed. Then, corporations bought those local businesses, and converted "Ted's Grocery" to Über-Mega-Super-Intense Wal-mart!!! This to me is a blatant threat to democracy. Imagine corporations (as they do in eastern europe and central america) paying off the government to not enforce labor and minimum wage laws.